آخرین مطالب آرشيو وبلاگ
نويسندگان آموزش زبان انگلیسی ELC English Learning Club
reach for the moon | reach for the stars
Meaning: If you reach for the moon, or reach for the stars, you are aiming to achieve something great, or do something very challenging
For example: His father always wanted Sina to reach for the stars, but Sina just wanted to play with her pets and run around in the woods
1 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
talk through your hat
Meaning: If you're talking through your hat, you're talking about something without knowing much about it, or you claim something is true when it isn't 4 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
once in a blue moonMeaning: If something happens once in a blue moon, it happens very rarely
For example
My daughter lives in Shiraz and she only comes to see us once in a blue moon; maybe every two or three years if we're lucky 7 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
7 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
with flying colorsMeaning: If you pass a test with flying colors, you pass it easily and get high marks
For example
Our daughter Sara was really worried about her history exam, but in
the end she passed it with flying colors. We're very proud of her 7 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
What is an idiom?An idiom is a combination of words that has a meaning that is different from the meanings of the individual words themselves. It can have a literal meaning in one situation and a different idiomatic meaning in another situation. It is a phrase which does not always follow the normal rules of meaning and grammar.To sit on the fence can literally mean that one is sitting on a fence. I sat on the fence and watched the game. However, the idiomatic meaning of to sit on the fence is that one is not making a clear choice regarding some issue. The politician sat on the fence and would not give his opinion about the tax issue. Many idioms are similar to expressions in other languages and can be easy for a learner to understand. Other idioms come from older phrases which have changed over time. To hold one's horses means to stop and wait patiently for someone or something. It comes from a time when people rode horses and would have to hold their horses while waiting for someone or something. "Hold your horses," I said when my friend started to leave the store. What is a proverb?A proverb is a short saying or sentence that is generally known by many people. The saying usually contains words of wisdom, truth or morals that are based on common sense or practical experience. It is often a description of a basic rule of conduct that all people generally follow or should follow. Proverbs can be found in all languages.money doesn't grow on trees - money is not easy to get and you must work hard for it The girl's father often says that money doesn't grow on trees when she asks him for money. the early bird catches the worm - arriving early gives one an advantage My boss always comes to work early because he believes that the early bird catches the worm. the pen is mightier than the sword - writing and ideas are more powerful than the use of force The pen is mightier than the sword and a good idea or strong beliefs will defeat the strongest army 15 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Color Idioms
as black as coal
- very black My friend's cat is as black as coal.
as black as night
- very dark and black The old house was as black as night when we entered it.
as red as a cherry
- bright red The car was as red as a cherry after its new paint job.
as white as a sheet
- very pale I felt terrible this morning and in the mirror I looked as white as a sheet.
ears are red
- one's ears are red from embarrassment My ears were red after hearing what the teacher said about me.
get gray hair
- to have one's hair turn gray from stress Our teacher is getting gray hair from stress.
red in the face
- embarrassed I became red in the face when the teacher asked me a question.
green thumb
- a talent for gardening, the ability to make things grow My neighbor has a green thumb and she is able to grow one of the best gardens in our neighborhood
12 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
![]() ![]() Break down - Fail 17 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
![]() ![]() Look after - Take care 17 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
dead to the worldMeaning: If you're dead to the world, you are sound asleep
For example: Our boss must have had a late night. He's in his office with his face on the desk, dead to the world
dead in the waterMeaning: If something is dead in the water, it has no chance of succeeding or of making any progress
For example: I'm sure that George's new company is dead in the water. Nobody's interested in buying his product
28 / 5برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Take it on the lamb معادل فارسي: در رفتن
Get in someone's hair معني: کسي را اذيت کردن
Lose one's head معنی: دستپاچه شدن Cross your finger توضیح: برای موفقیت کسی یا اتفاق چیزی امیدوار بودن
- we'll be crossing our fingers for you to pass your exam.
Let the cat out of the bag
معنی: دهن لقی کردن، بند به آب دادن - I wanted it to be a surprise, but my sister let the cat out of the bag.
26 / 5برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Take care of the penny , and the pound will care of themselves .
- قطره قطره جمع گردد وانگهی دریا شود .
Better a wise enemy than a foolish friend a reconciled friend is a double enemy
دشمن دانا بهتر از دوست نادان است .
Too many cooks spoil Broth آشپز كه دوتا شد آش يا شور ميشه يا بي نمك First Come , First served
آسيا به نوبت The Beaten road is the safest آزموده را آزمون خطاست Hunger is the best sauce
آدم گرسنه ، سنگ را هم ميخورد 20 / 5برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Ear, Eye
all ears - eager to hear something, very attentive My sister was all ears when I talked about starting a home businessall eyes - watching very closely, wide-eyed with surprise My friend is all eyes when he goes to a basketball gameas plain as the nose on one's face - clearly evident, obvious The explanation for the problem was as plain as the nose on my facebelieve one`s ears - to believe what one is hearing, to become sure of something I will believe my ears when my boss tells me the news catch (someone`s) eye - to attract someone`s attention I tried to catch my friend`s eye at the movie theater but he did not see meclose one's eyes to (something -to ignore something, to pretend that something is not really happening My father closed his eyes to the problems that were happening in his companycount noses -to count people The teacher stopped to count noses before the students got on the busevil eye - the power to harm people just by looking at them (as some people believe The man seemed to give me the evil eye when I met him at the ceremonyhard of hearing - unable to hear well, partially deaf My grandfather is hard of hearinghave one's nose in a book -to be reading a book The girl had her nose in a book during the long bus ridekeep one's eyes open - to remain alert and watchful, to notice what is happening around you I try to keep my eyes open when I am walking downtown at nightkeep one`s nose clean - to stay away from trouble The judge told the young man to keep his nose clean in order to not go to jail in the futurelend (someone) an ear - to listen to what someone is saying I asked my friend to lend me an ear and listen to my problemunder (someone`s) nose - easily found by someone, right in front of someone I thought that I had lost my house keys but they were right under my nosewin by a nose - to win by a very small amount The young horse won by a nose in the horse race
20 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
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